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4th Annual NRLBCT Offical Rules

4th Annual Big Catfish Tournament


Dates: Friday April 5th 10:00AM – Saturday April 6th 10:00AM 2024


Weigh In Location : 58 Junction 13774 FM 58, Lufkin, TX 75901 


RAIN, SNOW, SHINE we are fishing! In case of inclement weather use discretion!

No tournament is worth your safety!

***Weigh IN Time: Saturday April 6th @10:00 AM and closes at 12:00PM!***

     Off water is at 10:00am, the extra allotted time gives everyone a little more time to pack up and still make it to weigh in safely. This will be a polygraph question.


***We will polygraph 1st and draw for 2nd polygraph from 2-10th place and a 3rd if deemed necessary.***


I hate to put this out there, but cheating in a tournament of this nature is a felony. Do what’s right and there’s nothing to worry about : ). Any questions get with me @ 936-366-0681. 


We are asking for conservation purposes that if anyone wants us to return any big fish to the river we will have a tank available and will release fish back into the river. 


***This year we will be issuing a boat number to each team. Each will be responsible for making sure your number is visible on your boat.*** 


***Optional- Side pot 2 fish stringer 50.00. 2 fish heaviest stringer DOES NOT include big fish for “big cat”. So your registered team and side pot total will be $200.00. If you choose do to this option, if not the fee will be 150.00 for team registration for “big fish” only*** 


***Pay scale may go up***

Payout: 1st-10th place TBD

1st – 10th 


2 Fish Stringer – CAN NOT include big fish. Any questions call/message David on this. 

 1st  - 10th TBD


Closer to tournament date, we will post all side payouts like biggest blue, biggest gar, first to weigh in, etc…….


We will have some giveaways like usual : ). If anyone wants to donate something for the drawing, message me. 


Kids fishing pole tourney 1-10th One Fish Weigh In for kids. Kids 15yrs and younger. Kids under 15 does not have to be one of the 3 team participants. No fee for kids


1st – 10th TBD


Ladies Team 

1st – 10th TBD


All State and Federal rules will be observed. Contestants must have a valid fishing license on their persons. Fishing and boating licenses are the responsibility of team members.


Fishing tournament boundaries are from Hwy 84 (area) and southern boundary is the forks of the Angelina and Neches River. No fishing below the forks and no fishing of the Angelina River. This will be a polygraph question. . 


**NO fishing the week of the tournament April 1st  through 4th.** 


Registration fee is 150.00 per team. One, two, or three-person teams with at least one person 18 of age. One (1) boat per team. Needs to be paid a week before tournament late fee pay applies after that.


This is a “1” fish weigh in plus the “2” fish stringer, so total fish will be 3 if you do both, if not then just big fish. We will have other weigh in for “example” only - biggest blue, trash fish, gar…. We will give details of these later as we get closer to the tournament date.


Only Catfish will be allowed to be weighed in. Catfish species limited to Blue Cat, Channel Cat, or Flathead Cat. No other species of fish are allowed to be weighed in for the “Big Catfish” or the 2 Fish Stringer side pot. 


Only one (1) fish of 12” inches or longer (18” for op) may be weighed in per team for BIG fish. . Only bring 1 fish to be officially weighed in for the tournament to the weigh in table, do not bring any more fish than allowed to be weighed in.


Dead fish penalty will be determined later.


Fish can be caught by rod and reel, limb line, pole line, trot line, more less any legal means of catching fish according to state and federal laws. No nets, telephoning, or dynamite : ). 


Fishing within 5yds (up or downstream) of a competitor’s boat or bank fisherman, same side of the river, which was first anchored, is prohibited. We had a few people that were putting their poles right next to someone else’s in our last tournament. Let's respect each other and give at least 15ft!


***Pre Staging of lines with no hook in water rules till 4/4. That means you are not allowed to put lines out till 4/4  and “ONLY” then hooks “CAN NOT” be in the water till 4/5 @ 10:00AM.*** This rule is in place for the working man and allows pre-staging of lines with no hooks on them a day in advance till tournament morning. Any questions about this message, David Holland tournament director. This will be a polygraph question!***


Any legal bait is allowed.


Good sportsmanship, courtesy, safety, and conservation are expected of all individuals and disorderly conduct will be reason for disqualification if circumstances require. Decision of Tournament Director will be final.


In case of a tie the first one to weigh in takes place.

All decisions of the Tournament Director and Committee are final. All protests must be brought to the attention of the Tournament Director prior to the conclusion of the tournament weigh-in.


Tournament locations are subject to change due to other tournament conflicts/river or ramp conditions/weather conditions/etc. Notifications will be well in advance, and all updates can be found on the Neches River Life 4th Annual Big Catfish Tournament Facebook page.


If caught cheating, you will be terminated indefinitely from all NRBC Tournaments! Any disqualification results in forfeiture of all winnings.


***Let’s make sure we get our fishing tackle taken up after each tournament. We’ve had some complaints of lines being left out, let’s do our part cleaning up and make sure we don’t leave lines etc. out.***


CONTACTS: Tournament Director: David Holland 936-366-0681


We are going to do a NECHES RIVER LIFE High School Scholarship also with a portion of money raised through sponsors and entry fees. More info to come!!! 


When you sign the registration form, it is also acting as a waiver release of liability and covenant not to sue before competing in any NRLBCT tournament. It is required that all participants take responsibility for themselves while participating in event activities.


Make checks payable to David Holland and put “NRLBCT” in memo.


Or send via PayPal (friends and family) @ or Venmo @David-Holland-118  please do friends and family to keep from charging us a fee. 


©2024 by Neches River Life Tournaments.

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